

3 steps on how to get rid of imposter syndrome

Step-by-step instructions on how to start taking action

Everyone who wants to start training people is faced with these thoughts:

  • Who am I to teach?
  • Do I have the right to do this?
  • Can I counsel others?
  • My knowledge is not enough.

Do you recognize yourself?

This is especially common among people with fifth or ninth energies. Possessors of the fifth energy (Teacher) are convinced that they do not have enough skills to teach, they are forever on the lookout for more courses and lectures. People with the ninth energy (Sage) think that without deep knowledge they cannot teach. They believe that it is important to become a true professional in your field and only then to counsel others. The others are also subject to doubt, but it is these two energies that are more frequent and strongest.

So where does imposter syndrome come from and how do you combat it?

Step one: There are different levels

Let’s divide the training into ten steps. The first level are those who are just starting out and don’t know the elementary basics, for example, they don’t know how to play the guitar and have picked it up for the first time. The tenth are experts in their craft, masters with years of experience, that is, professional musicians.

Between level one and level ten, there are different degrees of proficiency in the skill.

When a person sees an expert who is at level ten, they are sure that this is an unattainable height for today. The problem is that a person starts comparing themselves to a professional and forgets that every skill is built up over years and, as a result, feels insufficiently competent. The very same imposter syndrome is manifesting itself. Therein lies the major mistake most people make.

Step Two: Realize where you stand and what exactly you have to offer today

Mentors tend to work with those who are a few levels below: professionals work with people at level eight and above, while beginners are taught by those who are at the middle level and have basic knowledge of the field. Accordingly, if you are already at the third level, for example, you can safely teach chords and simple melodies to beginners.

There is a different classroom for each level and a different teacher for each classroom.

“What if I don’t succeed?” – such a question arises precisely because of a lack of understanding of the level system. It is important for everyone to be clear about the outcome they can lead to, what they are willing to give and what they are willing to teach. If by now you know the chords and a couple songs well, great, start teaching that already. You don’t have to be a virtuoso and perform concerts around the world to teach the basics of guitar playing.

When there are no specifics, then doubt and imposter syndrome arise.

Ask yourself an important question: can you guarantee the results you claim? If so, take action. If you’re not sure, don’t make promises you can’t keep. Start with simple steps.

Step Three: Practice

If you feel insecure at the start, you can train for free, gradually building up the skill, and then put a minimum cost or work for donations. Gather feedback from students. Improve the program. Upgrade your skills. Develop. Later, you can raise the fee and expand your audience.

Absolutely anyone, even the most respected professor, can be found flawed. This is often done by those who are not ready to develop themselves. Such people unconsciously limit themselves with far-fetched doubts. Those who want to learn, however, will find you and pay money for your time and skills.

In extreme case, if in the process, you realize that the training does not go, something does not add up, then you can always return the money, draw conclusions, consider your mistakes and move on.
