

Payment problems

In cases of payment problems, please contact our support team.

There are a number of possible reasons why a payment may not be honored. In this article, we will look at some typical situations and provide guidance on how to resolve them.

Not enough money in the account

If a payment cannot be made, it is probably due to a lack of sufficient funds in your account. Please check your bank card or other payment method to make sure they have sufficient funds to complete the transaction.

Data entry errors

You may have entered incorrect details of your bank card or other means of payment. Please check that the details entered are correct, including card number, expiration date and CVV code. Make sure that all data is entered correctly and corresponds to the information on your bank card.

Restrictions on the use of the card

Your bank card may be restricted for online or overseas use. Contact your bank and check if your card has such restrictions. If restrictions exist, ask the bank to remove them or offer alternative payment options.

Problems with the payment system

Sometimes the inability to make a payment may be due to problems on the side of the payment system. In this case, try to repeat the payment later or contact support at our Telegram for assistance.

Unsupported payment method

Your chosen payment method may not be supported in the selected payment system. Check the list of supported payment methods or select another system to complete the transaction.

If there are difficulties with payment for Avatarium, it is recommended to first try to solve the problem yourself by checking your data and the availability of funds on your account. If the problem cannot be fixed, contact support at our Telegram or send an e-mail to
