

Instasamka Matrix

Sex, money, rebellion and mystery.

9 (Wiseman)

At the point of soul comfort and purpose – wisdom and depth Daria just lacks in life and creativity 😉 But she is still young, so everything is ahead of her. According to this energy she is a hermit, does not like to appear in public, talk about herself and her life and often hides her gaze behind glasses, does not allow fans to touch herself.

18 (Magic).

In the point of main elaboration and purposes – desire to show yourself mysterious and unusual, through tattoos, tendency to depression, addictions. It’s also an energy of its own way, doing its own magic and doing things like no one else.

5 (Priest)

At the point of main talent and first purpose is a good voice (whether you like her work or not, she’s okay with her voice). By this energy she got married at a fairly early age, as 5 is the energy of family. Rebellion against traditional foundations and society also goes with this energy.

11 (Strength).

At the point of resource and the point of entrance to the money channel is the energy of increased sexuality, so Daria actively manifests her sexuality. This gives her a resource and helps her in realization as we see 🙂 It is also the energy of discovering one’s potential and is often found in popular people.

2 (Priestess)

At the point of the soul’s task – along this energy goes the love for tzatziki, brilliants, the desire to decorate oneself with unusual things and to shine. A haughty and arrogant attitude toward others, capriciousness and scandalousness.

13 (Transformation)

At the first purpose and point of well-being – along this energy goes the desire to change appearance and musical style on a regular basis.

4 (Emperor).

At the point of the money channel – through this energy goes the love of money. This is the energy of power, multiplication and wealth and it stands at the point responsible for money. It’s funny that Daria makes money in union with a man, which is how energy 4 manifests in women.

Write in the comments, which celebrity to unfriend?
