

Ways to increase income

Ways to increase income depending on the current status in the chosen field of activity

Strategy 1 – Change Quality.

This strategy is suitable for those who have already found the kind of activity, business and sphere in which they like to work. To reach the next level and double your income, you need to reach a new level in your profession, to increase your skill and quality, so that staying in the same position, you as a professional are worth more.

Strategy 2 – Change Conditions.

This strategy is suitable for those who have already found the kind of activity, business and sphere in which they like to work. To get to the next level and double your income, you need to change your terms, change companies, or get a promotion.

Strategy 3 – Change the scope of the business.

This strategy is for those who have already found their line of business (e.g. sales), but want to change fields (e.g. from banking to construction). To take your business to the next level and double your income, you need to choose a new field.

Strategy 4 – Change the type of activity.

This strategy is suitable for those who have not yet found their line of work (e.g. doing sales, but realize they don’t like that line of work). To take your business to the next level and double your income, you need to find your business.


✅ More work. Yes, the easiest and most obvious way. But for all its simplicity – it works. I had a time when I worked as a producer in a company with a 5/2 job with a salary of 75 000r, and in parallel I produced other projects, worked as a cameraman and editor. And it helped me make 120-200k a month. ❓What options for extra work do you have right now?

✅Get a promotion. This is also a simple but workable way to do it. Of course, not in all companies career growth implies a 2-fold increase in salary, but still there are such companies. ❓What career options do you have right now?

✅Change companies. If you go to a job site and look for a job like yours but with 2 times the pay, I’m sure you’ll find one. ❓What’s stopping you from getting a job at another company now, with 2x the pay?

✅ Go into a related profession. This is also one option on how you can double your income quickly. For example, my friend Anton worked as a video editor and then started doing computer graphics. It seems to be a similar sphere and you work in almost the same programs, but the salary was already 2 times higher. ❓Which related profession with higher pay is right for you?

✅Create your own company. Maybe that’s an option for you? Very often it happens that a business is opened by a person who has previously worked for a long time in the field, realized that he knows it well and can create his own company. ❓Should you start your own company now?

✅ Develop a personal brand. Imagine there are two photographers who are equally good at what they do, but the other one has 100k followers on instagram. Who do you think will make twice as much? A strong personal brand, allows you to not only attract more clients, but also charge 2x more for your services. ❓How can you start amplifying your personal brand?

✅Work in another language. Jobs that require English or another foreign language on average pay at least 30% more. When I was offered to work on a shoot for double pay, I turned it down because it required conversational English. But my friend Sasha was able to earn money because I called him and offered him the job. ❓What foreign language is relevant to your profession?

✅Go to another country. If you’re willing to switch, you can give it a try. In many fields, other countries pay a lot more than we do. ❓Which country is right for you to move and work?


✅ More work. Yes, the easiest and most obvious way. But for all its simplicity – it works. When you are self-employed, this method is particularly effective, as being employed by a company, there is simply a fixed salary. When I realized I needed more money, I just thought about what options I had and started using them. ❓What options for extra work do you have right now?

✅ Raise prices. This is a simple, but not obvious to many people. Of course, there’s a psychological moment of fear of taking more money here, but that’s just a matter of working through it. Once upon a time this method helped me increase my income by 50%. ❓ What’s stopping you from raising the prices of your goods/services now?

✅ Learn an activity from a related field. This is also one option on how you can double your income quickly. For example, when my friend and I made a service business for companies, I learned how to make websites on a website builder and it brought me extra income. ❓Which related profession with higher pay is right for you?

✅Find a permanent partner company. Even though you’re self-employed, that doesn’t mean you can’t have regular partners. For example, I worked with two companies for over 2 years as a videographer and editor. I was not an employee of theirs, but I received orders on a regular basis. ❓ What service can you offer to any company for regular cooperation?

✅Find orders offline. If you’re attracting customers online, you might want to look offline. For example, if you are a designer, you can go to shops/cafes in your city and offer them to make posters, flyers, etc. ❓What service can you offer to an offline company?

✅Find orders online. Here it’s the same as the previous paragraph, only in reverse. For example, my friend Danya usually attracts clients at live conferences. But he can run ads on the internet and get some extra income. ❓How can you attract customers from the internet?

✅Find partners in related fields. For example, I worked with Dima, who did video graphics. When I was approached with a graphics order, I would pass the order to him for a percentage and he would pass the editing and filming orders to me. In the end, everyone is happy. ❓ In what related field can you find a partner?

✅Create your own company. Maybe that’s an option for you? That’s how I built my production company back in the day. I had more orders than I could fulfill on my own. So I started recruiting other people and just charging myself a percentage per order. ❓Should you start your own company now?

✅Personal Brand. Imagine there are two photographers who are equally good at what they do, but the other one has 100k followers on instagram. Who do you think will make twice as much? A strong personal brand, allows you to not only attract more clients, but also charge 2x more for your services. ❓How can you start amplifying your personal brand?

✅Work in another language. Knowledge of English language increases the salary by 30% on average. When I was offered to work on a shoot for double pay, I turned it down because it required conversational English. But my friend Sasha was able to earn money because I called him and offered him the job. ❓What foreign language is relevant to your profession?

✅Go to another country. If you’re willing to switch, you can give it a try. In many fields, other countries pay a lot more than we do. ❓Which country is right for you to move and work?

✅ Do something for free for famous people. I know a girl who was a copywriter and wrote to popular bloggers when she found errors in their writing. She proofread the blogger’s text for free and sent it off. That’s how she found a few bloggers to collaborate with on a regular basis. ❓What favor can you do for free for a popular person?
