

Book recommendations

Book selection tips: find the perfect read for you.

I suggest you start with these books:

  1. The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari / Robin Sharma
  2. The 7 skills of highly effective people / Stephen Covey
  3. The Way of the Peaceful Warrior / Dan Millman
  4. The Transurfing of Reality / Vadim Zeland
  5. Awareness / Osho
  6. Number 1 / Igor Mann
  7. This year I … / Ryan J.
  8. Authenticity / Stephen Joseph
  9. Flexible Consciousness / Carol Dweck
  10. Charisma of a Leader / Radislav Gandapas

Personal growth/development/skills

  • Stop thinking – act / Robert Anthony
  • The 7 skills of highly effective people / Stephen Covey
  • Think and Grow Rich / Napoleon Hill
  • Leadership Personality / Brian Tracy
  • The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari / Robin Sharma
  • To hell with it! Take it and do it / Richard Branson
  • Be the best version of yourself / Dan Waldschmidt
  • Man in search of meaning / Viktor Frankl
  • The Important Years / Meg J.
  • Rich Dad, Poor Dad / Robert Kiyosaki
  • Speed reading in practice / Pavel Palagin
  • How to talk to anyone / Larry King
  • How to make friends / Dale Carnegie
  • The Games People Play / Eric Berne
  • Willpower / Kelly McGonigal
  • Number 1 / Igor Mann
  • Geniuses and Outsiders / Malcolm Gladwell
  • Time Management / Brian Tracy
  • Jump over your head / Marshall Goldsmith
  • Personal Development / Steve Pavlina
  • This year I … / Ryan J.
  • Authenticity / Stephen Joseph
  • Never eat alone / Kate Ferazzi
  • Choose yourself / Oleg Tumanov
  • Awareness / Helen Langer
  • I want and will / Mikhail Labkovsky
  • Jedi techniques / Maxim Dorofeev
  • Charisma of a Leader / Radislav Gandapas
  • The Science of Communication / Vanessa Edwards
  • Never Ever / Elena Ryazanova
  • The Right Choice / John Hammond
  • Path to Character / David Brooks
  • Pyramid of Effectiveness / Tamara Miles
  • Eat, Move, Sleep / Tom Rath
  • Tired of being tired / Holly Phillips
  • City Monk / Pedram Shojai
  • Live / Itzhak Pintosevich
  • Take Action / Itzhak Pintosevich
  • Fast Results / Parabellum
  • 15 secrets of time management / Kevin Cruz
  • Time Management / Brian Tracy
  • Be effective / Itzhak Pintosevich
  • Focus on the main things / Stephen Covey
  • Willpower / Kelly McGonigal
  • 45 personality tattoos / Maxim Batyrev
  • The Power of the Subconscious / Joe Dispenza
  • Set Goals / Itzhak Pintosevich
  • Karmic Management / Michael Roach
  • The subconscious mind can do anything / John Kehoe
  • Psychology of Influence / Robert Cialdini

Spiritual development (numbered in order of importance to read)

  • The Transurfing of Reality / Vadim Zeland
  • Awareness / Osho
  • Shaman’s Laughter / Vladimir Serkin
  • The Power of Now / Eckhart Tolle
  • The Way of the Peaceful Warrior / Dan Millman
  • Happiness is / Osho
  • Toltec Prophecies / Don Miguel Ruiz
  • A Conversation with God / Neale Donald Walsh
  • Beyond Reason / Richard Bach
  • Journey of the soul / Michael Newton
  • Creativity / Osho
  • You are space. / Deepak Chopra
  • The Book of Joy / Dalai Lama
  • Yoga 7 spiritual laws / Deepak Chopra
  • Tafti Priestess / Vadim Zeland

Popular science

  • Rabbit Hole / William Arntz
  • A Brief History of Time / Stephen Hawking
  • The Selfish Gene / Richard Dawkins
  • History is wrong / Erich Von Deniken
  • Physics of the Impossible / Michio Kaku
  • Pyramids / Andrei Sklyarov
  • Science in search of God / Carl Sagan
  • Why languages are so different / Vladimir Plungian
  • The Elegant Universe / Brian Greene
  • Cradles of Civilizations / Zecharia Sitchin
  • Psychology. People, concepts, experiments / Paul Kleinman
  • How Economics Works / Ha-Joon Chang
  • The Psychology of Lying / Eckmann
  • Happy Hormones / Broening
  • Six Great Ideas / Mortimer Adler
  • Brain and Soul / Chris Frith
  • Brain and Pleasure / Devil Linden
  • How emotions are born / Lisa Feldman
  • Flexible Consciousness / Carol Dweck
  • Open Thinking / Arbinger Institute
  • Control the hormones of happiness / Loretta Broening
  • Buddha, brain and neurophysiology / Yonge Rinpoche
  • Buddha’s Brain / Rick Hanson
  • How emotions are born / Lisa Barrett


  • The Master and Margarita / Mikhail Bulgakov
  • The teachings of Don Juan / Carlos Castaneda
  • 1984 / George Orwell
  • The Alchemist / Paulo Coelho
  • The Twelve Chairs / Ilf and Petrov
  • O wondrous new world / Aldous Huxley
  • Jonathan Livingston Seagull / Richard Bach
  • 451 degrees Fahrenheit / Ray Bradbury
  • Generation P / Victor Pelevin
  • Thus spoke Zarathustra / Friedrich Nietzsche
  • Dead Souls / Nikolai Gogol
  • The Process / Franz Kafka
  • The Bead Game / Herman Hesse
  • To have or to be / Erich Fromm
  • Fight Club / Chuck Palanick

I also liked:

  • James Rollins / all books
  • Dan Brown / all books
  • Benjamin Franklin / Autobiography
  • TED presentations / Carmine Gallo
  • Pushkin / Poems
  • Pushkin / Poems
  • Dandelion wine / Bradbury
  • Dead Souls / Gogol
  • 100 great adventures / Nepomnyashchiy
  • Collapse / Jared Diamond
  • A Brief History of Everything / Herbert Welsh
  • Wisdom of East and West / Paul Ekman and the Dalai Lama
  • Picnic on the Sidewalk / Strugatskie
  • Doors of Perception / Huxley
  • Heaven and Hell / Huxley
  • The Cuckoo’s Calling / Galbraith
  • Steve Jobs / Walter Isaacson
  • My life. My Achievements / Henry Ford
  • Losing Innocence / Richard Branson
  • Kama Sutra for a public speaker / Radislav Gandapas
  • The Art of Communication / Paul McGee
  • Presentation Mastery / Alexey Kapterev
  • How to sell your idea / Sam Harrison
  • How people think / Dmitry Chernyshev
  • Effectiveness of Selling / Ilya Kusakin
  • Brief History of the USA / Rimini
  • 80/20 in sales / Perry Marshall
  • Flow / Mihai Csikszentmihaii
  • Apocryphal Transurfing / Vadim Zeland
  • Write, reduce / Ilyakhov, Sarycheva
  • Stalin Biography / Edward Radzinsky
  • How to become a popular author / Inozemtseva
  • Woman textbook for men / Novoselov
  • Ayurveda / Deepak Chopra
  • 3 energies / Rami Blekt
  • Find the time / Jake Knapp
  • Tired of being tired / Holly Phillips
  • The Power of Focus of Attention / Nico Bauman
  • 15 secrets of time management / Kevin Cruz
  • Supergens / Deepak Chopra
  • Focus on the main things / Stephen Covey
  • Willpower / Roy Baumeister
  • 7 commandments of energy and health / Itzhak Pintosevich
  • Fast Results / Nikolay Mrochkovsky
  • Supernatural Intelligence / Joe Dispenza
  • Diamond Cutter / Michael Roach
  • Full W / Radislav Gandapas
  • Man Tired / Soher Rocked.
  • The way we work doesn’t work / Tony Schwartz
  • The Power of Your Subconscious / Stephen Murphy
  • The magical power of the mind / Stephen Murphy
  • Superman out of habit
  • The chimpanzee paradox
  • Path to character
  • Principles / Ray Dalio
  • Never ever.
  • Customers for life
  • More money for your business